Practical Solutions

Budgeting, revenue generation, maintaining a strong credit rating (FICO score), and protecting your identity are all essential. Mastering the painful art and science of saving is very important. Contrary to “popular opinion,” and our rich fantasy lives, money does not grow on trees. Even very wealthy people have to budget if they want to avoid obstacles, and achieve their goals and missions relatively smoothly.

Choosing a career path that matches your passions and skill sets is paramount. One does not have to focus only on the accumulation of money. In life, if you are really good at what you do, and committed, you will make enough money. How much is enough is another issue. There is nothing inherently wrong with making money, and accumulating wealth. Perspective is quite important, as well as comprehending what money is, what it can do, and being aware of its limitations. Of course, having an adequate, if not substantial income, is important as money can provide freedom, security, and an increased sense of well being. Being impoverished is not a solution to one’s personal ills, or the ills of society.

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